Suggested Reading List
- As We Forgive Those, How To Forgive Others, Ourselves And God by Charles F. Finck III
- Awakening the Slumbering Spirit by John and Paula Sandford
- Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
- Breaking the Power of Evil by Rick Joyner
- Choosing Forgiveness by John and Paula Sandford
- Christ the Healer by F.F. Bosworth
- CoDependence: Healing the Human Condition by Charles L. Whitfield, M.D.
- Deliverance and Inner Healing by John Sandford and Mark Sandford
- Elijah Among Us by John Sandford
- Face to Face With God by Bill Johnson
- Firebride: Walking Your Path to His Glory by Margaret M. Moberly
- Freedom from Addiction by Neil Anderson, Mike Quarles and Julia Quarles
- Freedom from Addiction Workbook: Breaking the Bondage of Addiction and Finding Freedom in Christ by Neil T. Anderson, Mike Quarles and Julia Quarles
- Getting Anger Under Control: Overcoming Unresolved Resentment, Overwhelming Emotions, and the Lies Behind Anger by Neil Anderson and Rich Miller
- Growing Pains by John and Paula Sandford
- Healing for a Woman's Emotions: Released from Damaging Thoughts and Feelings by Paula Sandford
- Healing Rooms Training Manual by John G. Lake
- Healing Victims of Sexual Abuse by Paula Sandford
- Healing the Nations: A Call to Global Intercession by John Sandford
- Healing the Wounded Spirit by John and Paula Sandford
- Letting Go of Your Past by John and Paula Sandford
- Life Transformed by John and Paula Sandford
- Prophets, Healers & the Emerging Church by John and Paula Sandford
- Release the Power of Jesus by Bill Johnson
- Restoring the Christian Family by John and Paula Sandford
- Restoring the Foundations: An Integrated Approach to Healing Ministry by Chester and Betsy Kylstra
- Shadows of Things to Come by Rick Joyner
- Steps to Freedom in Christ: A Step-By-Step Guide To Help You by Neil Anderson
- Steps to Freedom in Christ Workbook by Neil Anderson
- The Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Warfare: Using Your Spiritual Weapons, Defending Your Family, Recognizing Satan's Lies by Neil Anderson and Timothy Warner
- The Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson
- The Elijah Task by John and Paula Sandford
- The Power to Change by John and Paula Sandford
- The Transformation of the Inner Man by John and Paula Sandford
- The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind by Bill Johnson
- Transforming the Inner Man by by John and Paula Sandford
- Victory Over the Darkness by Neil Anderson
- When Heaven Invades Earth: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles by Bill Johnson
- Who I Am In Christ by Neil Anderson
- Why Good People Mess Up by John Sandford
Please check back... More titles will be added soon!